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Pada hari ini, 23.5.2013, panel tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan diketuai YA Dato’ Seri Abu Samah Nordin, bersidang bersama YA Dato’ Balia Yusof Haji Wahi dan YA Dato’ Rohana Yusuf, di Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya telah mengesahkan perintah persetujuan (consent order) terhadap permohonan perayu-perayu yang terdiri daripada enam Majlis-majlis Agama Islam Negeri dan Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia, (MACMA), yang merayu terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 31.12.2009 yang menolak permohonan perayu untuk menjadi pencelah (intervener) di dalam kes ini.

Mahkamah telah, di antara lain, memerintahkan bahawa:

  1. Rayuan perayu dibenarkan;
  2. Perintah Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 31.12.2009 yang menolak permohonan perayu di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah 8 (1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1980 diketepikan;
  3. Perayu hendaklah disifatkan telah menjadi pihak kepada prosiding semakan kehakiman di Mahkamah Tinggi sebagai responden di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah 8 (1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1980 dan dibenarkan untuk didengar sebagai penentang dan dalam hal ini perayu telahpun didengar sedemikian di hadapan Mahkamah Tinggi; dan
  4. Tiada perintah mengenai kos serta deposit dikembalikan.

Perintah persetujuan ini pada hakikatnya menjadikan enam Majlis-majlis Agama Islam Negeri & MACMA tersebut sebagai pihak-pihak di dalam prosiding kes ini dan dibenarkan mengemukakan hujahan masing-masing di dalam rayuan utama terhadap permohonan semakan kehakiman (judicial review) kes tersebut.

Sebelum ini, rayuan kerajaan Malaysia dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) berhubung perintah Mahkamah Tinggi membenarkan penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ dalam majalah itu ditetapkan untuk satu lagi pengurusan kes pada 30.05.2013.

dipetik dari:

source: The Star

MALAYSIA has never been declared a secular nation despite having secular laws, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz.

The Federal Constitution, he said, made no mention of the word secular.

He said that when replying to John Fernandez (DAP-Seremban), who wanted to know if Malaysia was a secular state based on a Supreme Court decision in 1988.

Former Lord President Tun Mohamed Salleh Abas, in Che Omar bin Che Soh v Public Prosecutor (1988), stated that the term Islam in Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitu­­tion re­­ferred to acts relating to ritual and ceremonies and that laws governing the country were secular laws.

Nazri said the Supreme Court’s decision did not declare the country as a secular nation although ruling that secular laws were used based on Article 162 of the Constitution.

Nazri said the position of Islam as a federal religion was also noted in several provisions under the Con­stitution, which include the development and propagation of Islam amongst Muslims and that civil courts had no jurisdiction over the powers of Syariah courts.

“There is also the oath taken by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Sche­dule Four to preserve Islam at all times,” he added.

Meanwhile, Human Resources Minister Datuk S. Subramaniam said the Government was looking into cancelling the discretionary powers of the minister to decide on cases of industrial disputes to be referred to the Industrial Court.

This, he said, was one of several proposals that the Government is looking at in its effort to ensure speedy disposal of industrial cases.

“Discussions are being held with the affected parties to decide on the best systems to be implemented in future to ensure justice for the workers,” he said when replying to Khairy Jamaluddin (BN-Rembau).

The Government, he said, was keeping an open mind on the proposal so that aggrieved workers need not wait long to take their cases to industrial courts.

“Also being considered is the introduction of a key performance indicator where cases brought to the Industrial Courts must be settled within a year,” he said.

At present, he said more than 2,500 cases of industrial disputes were still waiting for the approval from the minister before they could be taken to the court.

dipetik dari:

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Okt. – Malaysia tidak pernah diputuskan atau diisytiharkan sebagai sebuah negara sekular malah perkataan itu langsung tidak disebut di mana-mana bahagian Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz berkata, Fasal (1) Perkara 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan jelas memperuntukkan bahawa Islam adalah agama bagi Persekutuan dan perkara itu diperkukuhkan dengan peruntukan-peruntukan lain.

Katanya, kedudukan Malaysia adalah berbeza dengan negara sekular seperti Amerika Syarikat, India dan Turki yang secara jelas memperuntukkan elemen sekular di dalam Perlembagaan mereka.

Berhubung kes Che Omar Che Soh lawan pendakwaraya pada tahun 1988, Mohamed Nazri berkata, Mahkamah Agung tidak pernah memutuskan atau mengisytihar negara ini sebagai sebuah negara sekular.

Bagaimanapun, perkara yang diputuskan adalah undang-undang sekular terus terpakai di Malaysia berdasarkan Perkara 162 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

“Sungguhpun begitu, didapati bahawa di bawah Perkara 162 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, perkataan yang digunakan untuk merujuk kepada undang-undang yang digubal sebelum Hari Merdeka ialah ‘undang-undang yang sedia ada’ (existing laws) dan bukannya ‘undang-undang sekular’,” katanya dalam sidang Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Beliau menjawab soalan John Fernandez (DAP-Seremban) yang bertanya adakah Malaysia masih lagi merupakan negara sekular, selaras dengan keputusan bekas Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Salleh Abas dalam kes Che Omar Che Soh lawan Pendakwaraya (1988).

Menurut Mohamed Nazri, kedudukan Islam yang istimewa berbanding dengan agama-agama lain turut diiktiraf dalam kes-kes yang telah diputuskan di mahkamah tertinggi negara termasuk dalam kes Lina Joy melawan Majlis Agama Islam dan lain-lain (2007).

“Ketua Hakim Negara ketika itu, Tun Ahmad Fairuz telah merujuk kes Che Omar Che Soh yang mengiktiraf bahawa Islam itu bukan sahaja suatu himpunan dogma dan ritual tetapi adalah suatu cara hidup yang lengkap.

“Islam itu merangkumi semua bidang aktiviti manusia, persendirian atau awam, perundangan, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, moral atau kehakiman,” katanya.

Rakyat telah menzahirkan kemarahan dan kebencian. Bantahan terhadap tekanan dan kesengsaraan disuarakan dengan akhirnya Hosni Mubarak dijatuhkan.

Kerajaan peralihan sudah dilantik dan melaksanakan pilihanraya terbuka pertama sejak Mubarak dijatuhkan.

Rakyat telah membuat pilihan mereka dengan sebebasnya buat pertama kali untuk sekian lama dipendam.

”]Apakah ianya telah sampai masanya untuk rakyat jelata menikmati “kebebasan” yang dicari-cari itu. Apakah kini udara demokrasi sudah boleh dihirup?

Perkembangan sehingga kini belum dapat mengambarkan hasrat dan cita-cita untuk merasai hidup era pasca “kekejaman” Mubarak dapat dinikmati dalam masa yang terdekat.

Antaranya: Egypt protesters and troops clash. Rusuhan demi rusuhan tetap berlaku. Medan Tahrir masih menjadi medan himpunan yang tidak kesudahan. Semacam badi Mubarak itu masih ada.

Jangan sampai percaturan menggulingkan Saddam Hussien terulang lagi. Kekejaman Saddam sekian lama berakhir dengan kematiannya ditangisi apabila suasana Iraq yang masih bermandi darah untuk sekian lama selepas menjemput Amerika masuk untuk campur tangan.

17 Disember - di mana demokrasi dan keamanan yang dicari? Apakah kehidupan sebegini yang dicari pasca Hosni Mubarak?

Apakah suasana kini lebih aman? Apakah percaturan politik sedemikian menguntungkan selepas kini Syiah yang menguasai kerajaan melepaskan geram mereka? Siapa yang untung?

Apakah selepas menjemput NATO untuk melumpuhkan keseluruhan sistem pertahan negara Libya rakyat dapat nikmati bidup baru pasca Gaddafi? Apakah “kenikmatan” pelabagai kemudahan bagi rakyat kebanyakan akan dapat diteruskan oleh oleh kepimpinan ad hoc yang rapuh dapat berjanji untuk tidak mengulangi kekejaman Gaddafi? Laporan pelbagai berita menyiarkan mereka yang setia dengan Gaddafi pula yang menerima kesengsaraan. Apakah itu keadilan dan demikrasi yang dilaungkan?

Ya Rabb, lindungilah tanah air kami dari mala petaka dan kekacauan yang tidak menentu. Selamatkanlan umat Islam di tanah air ku kami.

Bacaan lain:

By Azril Mohd Amin

Everyone agrees that a universal ethical ideal is harmony among peoples, especially those who are committed to their respective religion. And yet, some people, in particular after 9/11, now mistrust all “organized religion” as being troublesome on this harmony issue. It is urgent here in Malaysia that our Muslim leaders are seen unanimously to support the right steps taken to guarantee peace and security among the religions represented here, and especially to serve as an example to other Muslim countries of the true meaning of “Ummah“.

Our first and best model of “Ummah” was Madinah Munawarrah during the time of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah honour him and grant him peace). Therefore, it is a mistake to define “Islamic State” as an entity which is almost all Muslim, and in which the other religions play very minor roles, if any. By this definition, Indonesia, with 90% Muslims at various levels of devotion to their worship (Ibadah) is more of an “Ummah”. Or perhaps Bangladesh, or Saudi Arabia, or others of overwhelming Muslim populations.

Yet this is a mistake. Our Prophet (may Allah honor him and grant him peace) bequeathed to us a model of statesmanship precisely in his manner of balancing and accommodating the Jews, Christians, Sabeans, and other faiths in Madinah itself. In this writer’s opinion, now we are hoping and praying to emulate such balance and good faith among our population here in Malaysia by the Himpunan Sejuta Ummah (HIMPUN) this weekend, on behalf of which the HIMPUN secretariat has guaranteed that there will be no violence whatsoever, and that there will be no altercation on issues of theology of other religions.

It has been observed that when JAIS went into a church to retrieve a number of Malay Muslims from the Christian devotions and teachings going on, Muslims were told not to feel insecure in their feelings. It seems odd that the Christians, on their side, should feel uncomfortable when Muslims wish to exercise their democratic right to assemble and voice their feelings over issues relating to the followers of their faith in such gatherings as the upcoming HIMPUN. Could they be suffering from guilty conscience? After all, we are not trying to convert them. So why would they be nervous?

The former BERSIH 2.0 demonstration attracted the attention of numerous outside NGOs and other groups, including those who wished to secularize Malaysia and had no understanding of our total commitment to Islam as the religion of the Federation, and our fully constitutional and legislated system of Muslim monarchy, by which any secular “equality” among religions, or proselytizing among the Muslims themselves to change their beliefs, is forbidden.

These outside NGOs, such as that of the notorious George Soros, simply cannot understand the place and meaning of various Islamic-related issues, such as murtad (apostasy), polygamy, family leadership, and the forbidding of all forms of homosexuality especially including what they call “freedom of gender choice” or “same-sex marriage”, in our Malaysian life. Whereas even we Muslims have trouble with these issues, outsiders can hardly be expected to be more advanced in their own understanding.

Therefore, a newly formed secretariat has carefully planned and organized the upcoming HIMPUN to avoid fully any politicization of such contentious issues, side-by-side with the inviolability of the Malay Muslim leadership, in our public and private lives. Our private Islamic theological issues must CEASE FORTHWITH to be adjudicated, judged, or manipulated by outside interests.

Therefore, we should now support HIMPUN, which is carefully crafted to correct the dangers and stresses of the previous interference and challenge against the position of Islam in the Federal Constitution, with all such outside influences which can tear this country apart if they continue to outrage the sensitivity of the Muslims. HIMPUN has secured full permission from government authorities to be held in a completely non-violent fashion, and is also supported by not less than one thousand Muslim-based NGOs (an amazing phenomenon in itself). All Malaysian citizens are invited, regardless of religious or political affiliation. The Christians, however, must respect the self-esteem of the Muslims whose resistance to evangelical missionary activities is implacable and fully defended by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Malay Rulers. Muslim friendship, however, is freely available and offered to the all communities. This is the meaning behind “1Malaysia” as presently implemented by the central government.

Other Muslim groups that will be represented in the HIMPUN are educational institutions, sports and recreational clubs, self-defense societies, youth clubs, committee members of mosques and suraus, teachers, and many others. It can only be the sheerest folly for any political leaders to resist the will of their own people, especially the young and educated by opposing this event. Itinerary, provision of prayer rooms and food, publicity, public announcements, specially invited guests, and advertisements in all media have been arranged by the HIMPUN Secretariat.

The itinerary will include welcoming speech, keynote address by a prominent guest, nasyid songs emphasizing the theme of defending the sanctity of Islam, greetings from NGO representatives, munajat (do’a of supplication to Allah swt), and presentation and recitation of a pledge to defend the integrity of Islam and Muslims peoples everywhere.

sumber: Berita Harian

AHLI jawatankuasa Majlis Peguam, Nizam Bashir Abdul Kariem Bashir mungkin perlu menjelaskan lebih lanjut dan menunjukkan di mana perkataan sekular yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan negara bagi menguatkan hujah beliau bahawa struktur asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan berdasarkan sekularisme dan bukan teokrasi (sistem kerajaan yang menggunakan hukum agama sebagai dasar pemerintahan negara) yang tersiar dalam akhbar baru-baru ini.

Bersandarkan pendapat bahawa struktur asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan berdasarkan sekularisme, beliau berkata, Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak boleh dipinda untuk membolehkan pelaksanaan hukum hudud walaupun ada cadangan meminda Perlembagaan dan diluluskan dengan undi majoriti dua pertiga.

Tuan Haji Naser Disa semasa membentang kertas-kerjanya di Kongres Majlis Agama Islam Negeri-negeri 2011

Jika begitu, bagaimana pula kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan yang termaktub dalam Perkara 3 (1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan – Islam is the religion of Federation – dan di mana perkataan demokrasi, sekular atau agama rasmi jika benar wujud dalam Perlembagaan, kata Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Penasihat (Seksyen Syariah) Jabatan Peguam Negara, Mahamad Naser Disa.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika membentangkan kertas kerja ‘10 Salah Tanggapan Mengenai Kedudukan Islam di Malaysia’ pada Muzakarah Pakar Pemacuan Transformasi Sistem Perundangan Islam di Malaysia anjuran Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia, baru-baru ini.

Beliau berkata, apa yang berlaku sejak dulu hingga kini ialah prinsip ajaran Islam tidak diberi perhatian sewajarnya dalam penggubalan dasar ekonomi, pendidikan, sosial, budaya serta dasar lain digubal kerana alasannya, kita masyarakat majmuk.

Oleh sebab itulah berlaku salah tanggapan terhadap kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan hingga sering dirujuk sebagai agama rasmi menyebabkan Malaysia disifatkan negara demokrasi sekular dengan Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

Salah tanggap Islam negara sekular berpunca daripada hakikat Perlembagaan negara dirintis suruhanjaya diketuai Lord Reid. Namun, tidak ramai menyedari fungsi dan peranan suruhanjaya ini hanya menyediakan laporan ke arah penggubalan Perlembagaan.

Daripada cadangan dikemukakan dalam memorandum Perikatan berkaitan agama negara, hanya dua perkara diterima dan dipersetujui untuk dimasukkan dalam Perlembagaan iaitu Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan tanpa menafikan hak penganut agama lain mengamalkan agama mereka.

Bagaimanapun, prinsip tidak menafikan ciri sekular negara ini tidak dimasukkan dalam mana-mana bahagian dalam Perlembagaan. Justeru, rakyat Malaysia wajib menerima hakikat tiada sepatah pun perkataan sekular wujud dalam Perlembagaan. Jadi, kenapa Malaysia masih dianggap negara sekular?

Ada pihak cuba memberikan hujah mengelirukan dengan mengemukakan hujah kes Che Omar Che Soh yang sering digunakan pengamal dan pelajar undang-undang kononnya Tun Salleh Abas pernah memutuskan Malaysia ialah negara sekular.

Cerita ini amat mengelirukan kerana Salleh hanya mengatakan undang-undang yang sedang berkuat kuasa adalah undang-undang sekular, bukannya negara ini negara sekular.

Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu mahkamah tertinggi negara dalam kes Lina Joy lwn Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan sudah memberikan tafsiran lebih meluas kepada Islam iaitu satu cara hidup yang lengkap merangkumi semua bidang aktiviti manusia, persendirian atau awam.

Jelaslah mahkamah tertinggi negara telah menggubal tafsiran Islam yang diberikan Tun Salleh dalam kes Che Omar kepada tafsiran yang luas. Hairannya, kenapa umat Islam masih mahu berpegang kepada tafsiran sempit itu.

Dalam isu ini, Pensyarah Undang-undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari berpendapat, apa pun tanggapan kita terhadap kedudukan Islam dalam Perlembagaan hari ini, satu yang jelas ialah Malaysia bukan negara sekular.

Katanya, dari segi konsepnya adalah ganjil mengatakan negara ini sekular sedangkan pada masa sama, ada peruntukan mengenai agama dalam Perlembagaan.

“Negara sekular yang sebenar tidak mengizinkan negara turut serta dalam membantu menegakkan agama atau mengizinkan wang pembayar cukai digunakan untuk tujuan agama,” katanya.

Titah Raja Muda Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah, supaya tafsiran Perlembagaan dengan perspektif yang menghormati sejarah penubuhan Malaysia amat penting diingatkan semula, manakala semua persetujuan yang sudah dicapai harus dihormati, perlu diberi perhatian.

Begitu juga penegasan baginda ketika bertitah pada Kongres Majlis Agama Islam Negeri-Negeri seluruh Malaysia bahawa prinsip asas, terutama yang menyentuh Islam dan Melayu seperti termaktub dalam Perlembagaan negara tidak boleh dikompromikan sama sekali.

Menurut baginda, Islam akan terhakis apabila tanggungjawab terhadap urusan Islam gagal dipantau secara tegas kerana Islam kini mula dijadikan instrumen bertujuan meraih pengaruh dan mendapatkan kuasa sehingga ke peringkat sedia berkompromi kepada perkara prinsip yang menyentuh aqidah.

Melihat kepada senario yang berlaku, usaha memperbetulkan salah tanggapan terhadap kedudukan Islam perlu dilakukan dan menjadi kewajipan pemerintah memelihara Islam sebagai agama negara dan menjadikan negara ini negara Islam yang sebenarnya.

Caranya ialah melalui transformasi sistem pengurusan Islam dalam semua aspek iaitu pentadbiran, pendidikan, ekonomi dan sosial yang dibentuk peraturannya berasaskan syariat Islam seperti Piagam Madinah yang digubal Rasulullah SAW untuk membentuk sebuah negara menempatkan penduduk berbilang bangsa serta kaum.

Prinsip Piagam Madinah yang bersumberkan al-Quran dan Sunnah memelihara kesatuan ummah dan kedaulatan negara, dasar hubungan baik dan saling bantu-membantu antara semua warga negara, menegakkan keadilan sosial, kebebasan beragama dan tanggungjawab terhadap bukan Islam.

Hanya apabila sistem pentadbiran negara diuruskan berasaskan kepada ajaran Islam, barulah perkara lain bersangkutan keperluan serta tuntutan semasa dapat dilaksanakan termasuk pelaksanaan hukum hudud atau undang-undang Islam.

Hukum hudud bukan tidak boleh dilaksanakan kerana salah tanggapan bahawa Malaysia bukan negara Islam tetapi hukum itu tidak mampu dilaksanakan selagi sistem pentadbiran serta pengurusan negara tidak benar-benar mengikut syariat Islam.

source: Asia Sentinel
Written by Gavin M. Greenwood and John Berthelsen
Monday, 22 November 2010
Torpedoes Running!

Questions over the sale of French-built Scorpène submarines to militaries across the world may finally ensnare some of France’s highest-ranking leaders.

They include former French President Jacques Chirac, former Prime Ministers Dominique de Villipin and Edouard Balladur and the country’s current president, Nicholas Sarkozy in addition to an unknown number current and former French defense executives. In addition, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should be starting to get nervous, along with officials in India, Chile and Brazil.

Lawyers for the families of 11 French engineers killed in a 2002 bomb attack in Karachi were quoted Friday as saying they would file a manslaughter suit against Chirac, allegedly because he cancelled a bribe to Pakistani military officials in the sale of three Agosta 90-class submarines to that country’s navy. Sarkozy was Minister of the Budget when the government sold the subs, built by the French defense giant DCN (later known as DCNS) to Pakistan for a reported US$950 million.

Prosecutors allege that Pakistani politicians and military officials and middlemen received large “commissions” with as much as €2 million in kickbacks routed back to Paris to fund Balladur’s unsuccessful 1995 presidential campaign against Chirac. As budget minister, Sarkozy would have authorized the financial elements of the submarine sale. At the time he was the spokesman for Balladur’s presidential campaign and, according to French media, has been accused of establishing two Luxemburg companies to handle the kickbacks.

It is alleged that when Chirac was re-elected, the president canceled the bribes to the Pakistanis, which resulted in the revenge attack on a vehicle in which the French engineers and at least three Pakistanis were riding. For years, the Pakistanis blamed the attack on fundamentalist Islamic militants, including Al Qaeda.

“Our complaint is going to target how the decision was arrived at to stop the commissions,” Morice told AFP, saying the suit was prompted by recent testimony from arms executives in the case. Morice also called for Sarkozy, who witnesses have told investigators was linked to the bribes, to be questioned. The French president angrily denounced the allegations. As president, he has immunity and can refuse to be questioned while in office.

Nonetheless, l’affaire Karachi, as it is widely known in France, has been called the most explosive corruption investigation in recent French history, according to AFP. It may well be far bigger than just the unpaid bribes to the Pakistanis. Executives of DCNS embarked on a global marketing drive to sell the diesel-electric Scorpène-class subs, a new design. They peddled two to the Chilean Navy in 1997, breaking into the market previously dominated by HDN of Germany.

DCNS also sold six Scorpènes in 2005 with the option for six other boats, to India, whose defense procurement agency has been involved in massive bribery scandals in the past. Defense Minister George Fernandes was forced to step down in 2001 after videos surfaced of procurement officials taking bribes. In 2008, Gen. Sudipto Ghosh, the chairman of the Ordnance Factory Board, was arrested and seven foreign companies were barred from doing business in India as a result of a bribery scandal.

In 2008, DCNS also won a bid to supply four Scorpènes to Brazil. DCNS is to provide the hull for a fifth boat that Brazil intends to use as a basis for developing its first nuclear-powered submarine.

DCNS sold the Scorpènes to Pakistan in 1994. At about the same time the French engineers were murdered in 2002, Malaysia placed an US1 billion order for two Scorpènes in a deal engineered by then-defense minister and Deputy Prime Minister Najib. In exchange, a company wholly owned by Najib’s close friend, Abdul Razak Baginda, was paid €114 million in “commissions,” according to testimony in the Malaysian parliament.

It is unclear why Malaysia decided to acquire the two boats. A new naval base is being built to house the two at Teluk Sepanggar in the East Malaysian state of Sabah because the waters around peninsular Malaysia are generally too shallow for optimal submarine operations. In addition, the boats were delivered without advanced navigational and weapons gear, which the Royal Malaysian Navy is acquiring at a high cost from individual suppliers.

That episode has been widely reported. Caught up in it, besides Najib and Razak Baginda, was Altantuya Shaariibuu, the Mongolian translator who was murdered in 2006 and whose body was blown up with military grade explosives. Razak Baginda, her jilted lover, was charged along with two of Najib’s bodyguards but was acquitted under unusual circumstances without having to put on a defense. Before she was murdered, Altantuya told witnesses she was to be paid US$500,000 for her role in the submarine deal.

After his release Razak Baginda immediately decamped for Oxford University and apparently hasn’t set foot in Malaysia since. On Nov. 5, Malaysian prosecutors closed the book on the case, despite statements by a private investigator that tied Najib to Altantuya’s murder.

The case, however, remains alive in France. In April, three French lawyers, William Bourdon, Renaud Semerdjian and Joseph Breham filed a case with prosecutors in Paris on behalf of the Malaysian human rights organization Suaram, which supports good-governance causes.

Breham journeyed to Malaysia later in April to interview further witnesses. In an email, Breham said he and Bourdon are returning to Southeast Asia to ask more questions next month. If the three lawyers — or any other French or Malaysian prosecutors for that matter — want a witness, Razak Baginda remains in the UK.

The efforts by prosecutors to link Sarkozy to corruption allegations in the Karachi affair may well have ramifications beyond French politics. France’s commercial competitors in tightening global defense markets can also be expected to seek advantage from the affair.

The decision in mid-November by DCNS and Navantia of Spain to end their collaboration on building the Scorpène-class of boats purchased by Malaysia now make the companies commercial rivals. This seemingly bitter split may unleash new insights into past business practices, notably from the Spanish side as they seek to promote their S80 submarines against the Scorpènes. France can also expect little support from Britain, where suggestions that the two navies share aircraft carriers as a cost cutting measure have been met with a mixture of rage and derision.

Further, any revelations of systemic corruption within the French naval shipbuilding sector could present opportunities for in Britain seeking an escape from seemingly watertight contracts with French and shipyards for the construction of two large aircraft carriers.

Any investigation into corruption at the levels now underway in France is inherently unpredictable given the interests involved. What began as a ripple in Paris may yet build into a tsunami threatening individuals and plans previously thought impervious to such a threat. Questioning Abdul Razak Baginda might be a place to start.

Gavin M. Greenwood is a security consultant with the Hong Kong-based security risk management consultancy firm Allan & Associates. John Berthelsen is the editor of the Asia Sentinel.

Does that mean that we should be proud of it? Or does it show that we are wasting lots of time on-line ? 9 hours per week [masha Allah] on social networking sites such as Facebook!!!

After studying the patterns of my blogs hits over the years (from the numerous blogs that I am maintaining) – we Malaysians browse internet more in the office than from home. Hits are always low during weekends …

Here is an article from The Time:

-The Most Cyber-Sociable Country: Malaysia

An American may have invented Facebook, but when it comes to social networking, we can’t touch Malaysia.

A new study, conducted by the research firm TNS, interviewed 50,000 consumers in 46 countries to investigate their cyber-socializing habits. The results showed that where Malaysians have the most friends on their social networks, Japanese people have the fewest. In Malaysia the average number of digital friends is 233, closely followed by 231 in Brazil and 217 in Norway. This is compared to just 12 friends in Japan, and 68 in China. The results could suggest “a culture that embraces fewer but closer friendships,” said TNS’s chief development officer Matthew Froggatt, reported the BBC.

However, as well as having most friends, Malaysians were also the heaviest users of social networking sites, spending a whopping nine hours per week on average communicating with their hoards of online friends. Russia came a close second, with its people spending an average 8.1 hours per week online, and Turkey third with 7.7 hours a week.

So, perhaps being cyber-sociable doesn’t necessarily mean you’re particularly sociable in real life.


Today, Bernama reported an 11-year-old as the country’s youngest blogger. I wonder how and why would Bernama reported Gloson as one when there are others who are much younger that are also blogging?

I would not want to comment further suffice to post a link as one example here:

And he only claims that he is probably one of the youngest blogger …

ali's blog



From The Star:

A (H1N1): First locally-transmitted case confirmed (Update)

PUTRAJAYA: A 17-year-old girl admitted to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital has been identified as the first locally transmitted A(H1N1) case in Malaysia.

Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said authorities identified the case as due to local transmission after finding out that the teenager had not visited any of the countries where a flu pandemic had been declared.

He said the girl went to the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) at about 10am on Monday to seek treatment after developing a fever and was later sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital.

“Investigations revealed that the girl, who is the 19th confirmed A (H1N1) case in Malaysia, had contact with the 12th case that was confirmed on June 13,” he said in statement issued Wednesday.

Dr Ismail said the girl was not placed under quarantine earlier as she was not one of those identified as having had contact with the 12th patient — as a result, 20 others have been exposed to the virus.

He said it was vital that all those confirmed as having the A (H1N1) flu give their fullest cooperation by providing complete information on all those who had contact with them as this was the only way to avoid local transmission.

“Action can be taken under the Disease Prevention and Control Act 1988 if they fail to provide complete information to us,” he said.

Dr Ismail said that another four confirmed cases were also reported in the 24 hours up to 9am Wednesday, including a 23-year-old local university student who was part of a group of 12 students and lecturers that went on a seven-day visit to Australia on June 7.

The male student had been on the same flight as the 17th confirmed case reported on June 15, which is AirAsia X flight D7 2723 (seat 37J) that landed at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at 7:15am on June 14, he said.

The student developed a fever about five hours after landing here and sought treatment at a private clinic at 9am the next day before being referred to the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban.

He was confirmed as having the flu at 6pm on Tuesday and the Health Ministry is now tracing 37 contacts including other passengers, members of the travel group, relatives and staff at the private clinic where he first sought treatment.

Dr Ismail said the 21st confirmed case involved a 20-year-old studying in Melbourne who travelled home for the holidays on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH128 (seat 20K) that landed at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at 6am on Tuesday.

The medical student was found to have a fever while at the KLIA and was referred to the Sungai Buloh Hospital before being confirmed for having the flu at 6:30am on Wednesday, he said.

The 22nd case, he said, involved a 54-year-old who had returned from Manila on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH 705 (seat 32H) that landed at the KLIA at 8:25am on June 12.

He had complained of cough, fever and headache last Sunday and sought treatment at a private clinic on Monday but was not referred to a hospital.

He went to the UMMC the next day and was sent by ambulance to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital where he was confirmed as suffering from the flu.

His wife and two children have been placed under home quarantine.

“In reference to the 22nd case, we want to issue a strict reminder all private clinics and hospitals to refer all patients with flu-like symptoms to designated A (H1N1) hospitals if they have recently visited countries where there has been an outbreak of the flu.

“Their failure to refer such patients to hospitals is regrettable as it creates a risk of the flu spreading through local transmission,” he said.

Dr Ismail said the last case involved a 22-year-old who had been on the same flight as the 20th case and who was admitted to the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital in Ipoh on Tuesday morning.

He said with this there were currently 13 patients still being treated: Five at the Sungai Buloh Hospital in Selangor, three at Kuala Lumpur Hospital, and one each at Penang Hospital, Tunku Ampuan Afzan Hospital in Kuantan, Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban, Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kota Kinabalu and Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital in Ipoh.

All of them are receiving anti-viral treatment and are in stable condition, he said.

As at 9pm on Tuesday, 139 people who had had contact with confirmed cases were under home quarantine but none showed any signs of having the flu.

Dr Ismail said the A (H1N1) Influenza Technical Committee had also issued a directive discouraging people and barring children under 12 from visiting hospitals unless they were seeking treatment.

Each patient would only be allowed to receive two visitors above the age of 12 at any time and visiting hours would also be shortened.

“All visitors to private and government hospitals will also be screened for fever,” he said.

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